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ADHD饮食疗法 |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 发表: 2010/7/28 6:15pm |
The ADHD Diet
注意力缺陷多动症的饮食疗法 By Melanie Haiken 作者:梅兰妮海肯 译:悠妈 原址:http://www.naturalsolutionsmag.com/articles-display/9536/The-ADHD-Diet The day my daughter refused to eat even her favorite food—peanut butter and honey on toast—was the day I lost it. Bursting into tears, I pulled open the medicine cabinet and swept all three of the medications she was taking into the trash. 一天,我的女儿拒绝进食,即使是她最喜欢的花生酱蜂蜜土司也不吃,那是我最绝望的一天。我一边痛哭流泪,一边拉开了储药柜的门,把里面三种她正在服用的药物一股脑地全都扔进了垃圾桶。 Linnea, then seven, had spent the previous year on three different powerful psychotropic drugs, one after the other, as we waged a desperate battle to control her stuttering and the facial tics that went with it. Not only did the medications (a tranquilizer, a blood pressure drug prescribed off-label, and an antidepressant) leave her tics as rampant as ever, they caused a host of side effects including depression, lethargy, and an almost complete loss of appetite. 琳内娅(Linnea),今年七岁。几年前我们发动了一场绝望的战斗,试图要控制她的口吃和由此引发的面部肌肉抽搐。从那时起,过去几年中她一直在服用三种不同的强效神精类药品,一个接一个。但这些药物(一种镇定剂,一种控制血压的处方药,和一种抗抑郁药)却使她的面部抽搐更加严重,并产生一系列副作用,包括抑郁症,嗜睡,和几乎完全丧失食欲。 Always a skinny girl, Linnea had become thinner and thinner, at one point dropping below 50 pounds. And I had become a drill sergeant, standing over her while she tried to eat, alternately commanding and cajoling as I measured the circumference of her tiny arms with my eyes. Instead of the medications controlling her tics, it seemed that her tics were controlling us. 琳内娅本就是一个瘦小的女孩,现在更是越来越孱弱,还不足50磅(约22.7公斤)。而我总是像一各督导警察,在她吃饭时站在旁边,一边不时命令她或哄骗着让她多吃一点,一边不时目测她那纤细的小胳膊的围度。看起来并是药物在控制她的面部抽搐,倒像是她的面部抽搐在控制我们。 So into the wastebasket went the bottles of clonazepam and clonidine and desipramine, and off I went into full research mode. There must be something out there, I thought, that can help my daughter without wreaking such havoc on her young body. 因此,在所有药瓶(氯硝西泮clonazepam、可乐定clonidine和地昔帕明desipramine)都扔进了废纸篓以后,我开始进入了全面的信息搜索状态。我认为一定有什么方法可以帮助到我女儿,而且又不会对她幼小的身体造成如此严重的伤害。 The Search Begins 搜索展开 Here is a truth about the parents of a child with a disability: We are relentless. Nothing fuels determination like listening to your child cry herself to sleep at night, or hearing her ask, yet again, if she’ll ever be able to talk like other kids. Doctors and schools characterize us as demanding and difficult—yep, it’s true. We will do anything—anything—to help our suffering children lead a normal, happy life. And yes, this dedication makes us easy targets for all the hucksters and charlatans out there touting the latest miracle in a bottle. But it also makes us powerful advocates, unshakable in our pursuit of the breakthrough that might make all the difference to the child we love. 这是一个关于身为“问题儿童”父母的真理:我们是不留情面的。没什么比听你的孩子在夜里哭泣直到睡着,或是听她问到“她是否可以再像其他孩子一样说话”这样的事情更能激发我们的决心了。医生和学校已经把我们定性为高需求和难对付的家庭,是的,从某种意义上来说的确如此。我们会做任何、任何事情,来帮助我们的在经受痛苦的孩子过上正常的、幸福的生活。也因此,这种决绝使我们很容易把那些商家和自吹自擂者声称可以创造奇迹的最新瓶瓶罐罐(药品)当成攻击对象。但这也使我们成为强有力的倡导者,不动摇地寻找着可以给我们至爱的孩子带来突破的途径。 It had been a long road up to this point. Linnea first started stuttering when she was just three, and the problem has become progressively more severe, characterized by what are called complete blocks—when her throat closes up and she gets trapped in a tense, tight-throated silence. As she struggles to get her words out, she goes into a multitude of tics—grimacing, blinking, throwing her head to one side. It is disconcerting and disturbing; even those who love Linnea dearly sometimes have to avert their eyes when she is trying hard to talk. 这是一个漫长的过程。琳内娅三开岁时开始有了口吃的问题,而且这个问题越来越严重,其特征被称为“完全式堵塞”。当她的喉咙还处在闭合状态时,她就开始陷入一种因喉咙紧锁而带来的紧张情绪之中。当她挣扎着想要开口说话时,便开始了各种抽搐,脸部扭曲、不停眨眼、头往一边歪倒。这是很令人不安和困扰的。甚至连那些深爱琳内娅的人,也常常会在她想要努力试图交谈时移开他们的目光。 Shortly after the peanut butter incident, I sat down at my computer, cruised some email newsgroups, and discovered a vast and hugely knowledgeable resource: my fellow parents of kids with behavioral disabilities. I quickly learned from these dedicated people that there are nondrug treatments that can make a real difference for children with disorders like Linnea’s. It was a vast relief to hear from parents who’d watched their kids fail in school, fail to make friends, even suffer from violent outbursts, and then find some measure of peace. 花生酱事件发生不久后,我坐在电脑前浏览一些电子邮件新闻组时,发现了一处庞大的讯息来源:那些与我一样育有行为障碍孩子的父母们。我很快从这些全身心投入的人们那里了解到:有一些非药物疗法可以给像琳内亚这样有障碍的儿童带来真正的改变!对于一个眼睁睁地看着自己的孩子无法正常上学,交不到朋友,甚至遭受粗暴对待的孩子的家长来说,听到这样的消息无疑是一种巨大的解脱,也找回了某种程度的内心宁静。 A number of the most helpful strategies focus on dietary changes and nutritional therapy. Many alternative-minded experts in the field of brain-related disorders believe nutrition offers a promising avenue of treatment that’s all too often been overlooked. 其中很多最有效的“方案”都集中在“改变饮食”和“营养疗法”上。许多思想另类的脑部相关疾病专家都认为:食疗是一种充满希望的治疗途径,但往往却被忽视掉了。 “The more we learn about the brain, the more we understand how nutrition and supplements can affect its functioning, including moods, attention, and cognition,” says Lewis Mehl-Madrona, a psychiatrist at the University of Arizona in Tucson. What a child eats, he says, can profoundly affect the way her brain works. And this is true not just in the case of stuttering and tics, but for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism and its related disorders, and many other behavioral and learning problems. “我们越是了解大脑,就越能看到营养和补充剂对其各种功能动转的影响,包括情绪,注意力和认知方面。”一位任职于图森亚利桑那大学的精神科医生路易斯梅尔-马德罗纳(Lewis Mehl-Madrona)如是说。他说:孩子吃什么样的食物,将会很大程度地影响到他大脑的运转。不光关系到口吃或抽搐的病症,还适用于注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)、强迫症、自闭症及其相关失调,以及其他许多行为上和学习上的问题。 “All of these conditions are caused by a deficiency in neurotransmitters,” says Billie Sahley, a behavioral therapist who directs the Pain and Stress Center in San Antonio, Texas. “That’s what it all boils down to.” “所有这些问题都是由一种“神经传递质”的缺陷造成的”,比利沙力(Billie Sahley)指出,他是一位行为治疗师,在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥指导一家疼痛和压力治疗中心,“一切问题都归结于此”。 In the case of autism spectrum disorders and ADHD, many parents report great success with a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet that cuts out milk and wheat. Another common starting point for hyperactive kids is the Feingold diet, which bans artificial flavors, colors, and some preservatives. 在自闭症及其一系列病症和多动症的病例当中,许多父母都反馈,在应用了一种无麸质、无乳酪蛋白的饮食方案(断绝小麦和牛奶)后都取得了巨大的成功。另一个普遍应用于治疗动症儿童的最基础的方案是“法因戈尔德饮食(Feingold diet)”,即禁止各种人工味素、色素、防腐剂。 Though therapies like these are largely under the radar of conventional medicine—neither my daughter’s pediatrician nor her neurologist ever mentioned them—many have been shown, in well-documented research, to be quite effective. At least two wide-ranging reviews of existing research, one conducted by the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the other published in the Journal of Paediatric Child Health, have found that diet and nutritional therapy can noticeably affect some children’s behavior. More specifically, a study of 20 children with ADHD published in the Alternative Medicine Review found a regimen of supplements to be as effective as Ritalin. And research among a group of 26 kids (also with ADHD) at Cornell Medical Center in New York found that three quarters responded well to a diet that eliminated several problem foods. 虽然这样的疗法在传统医学中相当常见,而且已经被充分证实是相当有效的,但不论是我女儿的儿科医生还是她的神经科专家却都从未提起过。目前至少有两份大范围发表的研究调查报告,一份由公共利益科学中心发布,另一份由《儿科医学健康杂志(Journal of Paediatric Child Health)》发表,其中显示,饮食和营养疗法可以显著地影响一些孩子的行为。更确切地说,在《非主流医学评论(Alternative Medicine Review)》中发表的一篇关于针对20名多动症儿童的研究表明,通过补充一系列营养素完全可以达到利他林(Ritalin,一种普遍用于治疗多动症的药品)一样的效果。而在纽约康奈尔医学中心的研究小组在一次针对26个ADHD儿童孩子的研究中发现,四分之三的孩子在避免食用几种会导致问题的食品后病症得到明显的改善。 The connection between allergies and behavioral disorders can be confusing to parents; how could a sensitivity to dairy products cause a child to be hyper, spacey, or subject to tics? But the chemical released when we have an allergic reaction acts like a neurotransmitter, says Mary Ann Block, author of No More ADHD and an osteopathic doctor practicing in Dallas. “One neurotransmitter out of balance sets off a chain reaction that can cause all sorts of changes in behavior.” 食物过敏和行为障碍之间的关联可能会让家长感到困惑:对乳制品的敏感怎么会导致孩子过动、过内或造成抽搐? “但事实是,由过敏反应所释放出的化学物质相当于一种神经传递素。当一个神经递质失去平衡时就会引发连锁反应,以导致各种行为上的异常。”,玛丽安-布莱克(Mary Ann Block)解释说,她是《再也没有过动症》(No More ADHD)一书作者,也是一名在达拉斯执业的整骨疗法医生。 In addition to allergic reactions and sensitivities, many kids with ADHD, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, and other disorders have been found to suffer from dramatic deficiencies in certain nutrients, including magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins. Studies often document the deficiencies without looking at the treatment, but researchers have recently begun following up to see if replacing these missing nutrients can correct behavior problems. In one recent study of 400 ADHD children, for instance, zinc supplements beat placebos in treating certain aspects of the disorder, including hyperactivity and impulsivity. 除了过敏反应和对食物敏感的问题,在许多有多动症、孤独症、抽搐口吃综合症(Tourette’s syndrome)以及其他疾病的孩子中发现他们都缺失某些特点的营养素,包括镁、Omega3脂肪酸和维生素B。在以往的研究中通常没有关注这些营养不足的治疗方案,而今研究人员开始进行跟踪调查,看通过补充这些缺失的营养素是否可以替代药物治疗达到修正行为问题的效果。例如在最近的一项针对400名多动症儿童的调查中显示,使用锌补充剂治疗一些如过动和冲动症状的效果远远优于使用镇静剂(placebos)。 Trial and Error 尝试与失败 But here’s the tricky thing: What works for one child will not necessarily work for another. Since behavioral disabilities—and the brain chemistry imbalances that cause them—are so complex, parents who opt for dietary treatments must be prepared for a long, frustrating process of trial and error. “For some kids, all you have to do is shift one element of their diet. For others, you might have to do several things,” says Mehl-Madrona. The payoff can be huge, though; instead of a child who may have to take medication for years to control symptoms, many parents wind up with something closer to a cure. 但是有一个比较麻烦的问题:对一个孩子奏效的方法却不一定对另一个孩子有效。这些由大脑的化学物质不均衡所导致的行为异常情况是如此复杂,因此父母对于选择哪种饮食治疗方案必须做好准备要面对一个长期的、令人受挫的尝试与失败的过程。“对于有些孩子,你所要做的只是改变他们的饮食中的一项要素。但对于其他孩子,你可能需要调整好几种才能产生效果。”梅尔-马德罗纳(Mehl-Madrona)这样说到。但相比之下这项投资的回报却是巨大的,否则你的孩子就需要长期依赖药物来控制其症状。因此很多家长闻风而动想借此让孩子走向治愈。 Kathy Langer of Illinois has spent the past ten years pursuing alternative treatments for her son DJ, now 23, who suffers from ADHD and pervasive developmental disorder, an autism-related condition, as well as depression. At 12, DJ was taking a mind-boggling assortment of medications, from lithium and Prozac to Mellaril and clonidine. “But we weren’t seeing any improvement, and the side effects were horrible,” says Langer. 伊利诺伊州的凯西-兰格(Kathy Langer)花了近10年时间为她现已23岁的儿子DJ寻找治疗其多动症、发育障碍和自闭症相关特征、以及抑郁症的替代疗法。DJ在12岁时服用的一系列药物种类多到令人难以置信的程度,包括锂素(lithium)、百忧解(Prozac)、硫醚嗪安定药(Mellaril)和可乐定(clonidine,一种降压药)等。“但是我们没有看到任何改善,而且药物引起的副作用也是相当可怕。”兰格说。 Then one day she saw Doris Rapp, a Scottsdale, Arizona, allergist, pediatrician, and pioneer of the dietary approach, on the Donahue show, and heard testimonials from parents who swore her allergy-elimination techniques worked miracles for their kids. Right away, Langer consulted Rapp’s colleague Billie Sahley, who tested DJ and diagnosed him with a severe allergy to dairy products and an amino acid deficiency. 后来有一天,她在多纳休访谈节目(Donahue show)中看到了多丽丝-拉普(Doris Rapp),一位过敏学专家、儿科医生、以及饮食疗法的先驱者,来自亚利桑那州斯科代尔市。节目中一些家长信誓旦旦地证实了拉普医生的过敏排除法为他们的孩子创造了奇迹。很快,兰格咨询了拉普的同事比利-沙利(Billie Sahley),沙利医生为DJ进行了测试和诊断出他对乳制品严重过敏,并有氨基酸不足的问题。 Within months of starting a dairy-free, sugar-free diet and a regimen of amino acids and other supplements, DJ went off medication for the first time in years. “It’s easy to get discouraged because it takes a while to see an improvement,” says Langer, “and yes, it’s a lot of work. But before, you couldn’t reason with DJ. Now, even when he’s upset, you can still talk to him. It’s made all the difference in the world.” 在实践了几个月无奶无糖的饮食治疗方案和补充了几种氨基酸及其他补充剂后,DJ第一次摆脱了多年服用的药物。 “这的确很容易让人感到气馁,因为往往要很长一段时间后才能看到进展,”兰格说,“没错,这样做要付出大量的努力,但在这之前,你甚至无法与DJ进行正常沟通。而现在,即使在他情绪低落时,你仍然可以和他交谈,这让一切都变得极其不同。” Zeroing In on Diet For many parents, the thorniest question is where to begin. The answer is, not surprisingly, that depends. If you have any reason at all to think your child has food allergies—if, for example, he had to drink soy formula as a baby or had recurrent ear infections as a preschooler—then that’s the logical place to start, say Mehl-Madrona and other experts. 饮食治疗的起始点 对于很多家长来说,从哪里开始是一个棘手的问题。而问题的答案,不出乎意料的是:那要看情况而定。如果你能够想得出任何原因你的孩子有食物过敏症,例如他在婴儿时期只能喝豆奶,或在幼儿园阶段反复出现耳部感染,那么这就是一个很好的起始点。梅尔-马德罗纳(Mehl-Madrona)及其他专家给出如是建议。 If you already suspect a particular allergen, you can try to diagnose it yourself with the “single food elimination” method. Let’s say you suspect milk may be the problem. Make sure your child eats no dairy products for four to seven days, watching him carefully to see if his symptoms improve. Then, on the final day, when your child has not eaten for at least three or four hours, give him nothing but the potential allergen (milk and cheese, for example). If his symptoms promptly return, you’ve caught your suspect red-handed. 如果你已经对某种过敏原有所怀疑,那么可以使用“单一食物排除法”来进行诊断。比如说你怀疑牛奶可能是导致过敏的原因。先确保你的孩子4至7天内不吃任何乳制品,仔细观察他的症状是否有所改善。接着在最后一天,让孩子保持三,四个小时空腹没有进食的情况下,只给他吃这一种疑似过敏原的食物(如牛奶和奶酪)。如果他的症状立即出现,那就等于是当场抓获了嫌疑犯。 Sometimes the problem isn’t so much with foods as with additives, which the Feingold diet eliminates. Melanie Dunstan of Avon Lake, Ohio, has kept her eight-year-old son, Alex, who has ADHD, on the Feingold program for the past three years. “Imagine someone with their head whipping around, jumping and bouncing up and down, and not being able to concentrate on anything,” Dunstan says. “Well, that was Alex.” Realizing just after Alex’s fifth birthday that he simply was not going to be able to handle kindergarten, Dunstan began experimenting with the Feingold diet. 有时候问题并不一定是食物本身造成的,而是由于食品中的各类添加剂所致,这些添加剂在法因戈尔德饮食安案中是被排除不吃的。来自俄亥俄州雅芳湖的美兰妮邓斯坦(Melanie Dunstan)在过去的三年中一直为她患有过动症的8岁儿子亚历克斯(Alex)实施法因戈尔德饮食法。“想想看,一个头不停地晃来晃去、上蹿下跳、而且不能专注于任何事情的孩子”邓斯坦说到,“没错,那就是亚历克斯。”在亚历克斯刚过完5岁生日时,行为如此的他根本无法应付上幼儿园这件事,于是邓斯坦开始为实践法因戈尔德饮食法(Feingold diet)。 “We noticed an improvement after just one week,” Dunstan says; Alex almost immediately began to calm down and sit still. A month later, still concerned about her son’s inability to concentrate, Dunstan began eliminating corn syrup from his diet—and the transformation was complete. “He can actually sit next to someone else and not reach out and touch that person,” says Dunstan, laughing. “His teacher is a complete believer.” “仅仅一个星期之后我们便看出他有所改善,”邓斯坦说,亚历克斯几乎是马上就安静下来可以坐得住了。一个月后,她仍然在关注儿子注意力无法集中的问题,当邓斯坦将玉米糖浆从儿子的饮食中去除掉以后,转变就彻底完成了。“他现在可以坐在其他人的旁边,而不会再伸手去碰触别人了。”邓斯坦笑着说:“他的老师被这种饮食方案彻底折服了。” Finding Answers 寻找答案 My own search really began to pay off at a website for parents of children with Tourette’s syndrome and tic disorders. There I heard about a fellow parent, Bonnie Grimaldi, who had developed a vitamin regimen specifically for kids with Tourette’s and similar disorders. Grimaldi, an Ohio medical technologist who works in a genetics lab, had spent years combing the journals for references to Tourette’s in an effort to help her son, Jason, then 13. “Jason was failing in school because he had to be removed from class so often,” says Grimaldi. Reading that some parents were having good luck with B-complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium, Grimaldi started her son on supplements from the local health food store. The results were almost instantaneous. 我自己花在搜索上的努力也取得了回报,我发现一个患有抽搐及口吃综合症(Tourette’s syndrome)儿童的家长网站。在那里,我听到一位家长提到邦妮-格林梅尔蒂(Bonnie Grimaldi)制定了专门为患有抽搐和口吃孩子的维生素疗法。格林梅尔蒂是一位俄亥俄州的医药技术专家,她在一家遗传学实验室工作。她花了许多年整理关于抽搐及口吃综合症的相关报刊杂志,试图帮助她的13岁的儿子杰森(Jason)。“杰森没法正常上学,因为他常常不得不被请出教室。”格林梅尔蒂说。在读到一些家长关于应用复合维生素B、钙、镁所取得的好消息后,格林梅尔蒂开始从当地保健品商店里为她的儿子购买这类补充剂。结果几乎是立竿见影的。 “Within two days he wasn’t disruptive anymore,” Grimaldi says. “His teachers were thrilled.” Then, Grimaldi says, she “worked backwards,” reading through the literature to try to figure out why certain vitamins and minerals would make such a difference. Grimaldi recently published a paper in the journal Medical Hypotheses about her theory that magnesium deficiency plays a central role in Tourette’s syndrome and a host of related disorders, and she’s hoping to prompt a clinical trial of the idea. (She’s since gone on to create and market her own formulas, called ts-PLUS.) She recently conducted a survey among those who bought her supplements and found that an impressive three quarters of those who responded said the products were the most effective Tourette’s treatment they’d tried. “两天后,他不再产生任何破坏性影响了”, 格林梅尔蒂说“他的老师们激动不已”。接着,格林梅尔蒂退回来开始阅读相关文献,试图找出为什么某些维生素和矿物质会带来如此的差别。格林梅尔蒂最近发表在《医学猜想杂志》(Medical Hypotheses)上的论文阐述了她的理论:镁的缺乏是导致抽搐与口吃综合症及其他相关病症的主要原因。并且她希望可以促使此项临床试验的开展。同时她也创新出一种叫做ts-PLUS的特效营养剂并开始销售。最近,她在购买了此种补充剂的用户中做了一项调查,结果令人印象深刻,其中四分之三的使用者都回复说这是他们所尝试过的治疗方法中是最有效的一种。 The diligence of parents like Grimaldi comes as no surprise to Doris Rapp, who says there’s simply no substitute for parental watchfulness. “Mothers are the best detectives in the world,” she says. “They can figure out answers that nobody else can see.” 对于多丽丝-拉普(Doris Rapp)来说,听到那些像格林梅尔蒂一样付出了辛勤努力的家长们说出类似“没有谁能代替身为父母的直觉”这样的话一点也不感到意外。“母亲是世界上最好的侦探”,她说, “只有她们可以找出问题的答案,没有其他人可以胜任。” I’m hoping she’s right. Grimaldi’s testimony was enough to send me to the health food store for magnesium and B vitamins, along with omega-3 fatty acids and the amino acid taurine, which is being studied for its ability to relieve tremors and tics. We’ve also started eating fish regularly (low-mercury types) and cutting out juice drinks that come in suspicious colors. 我相信她说的没错。格林梅尔蒂的亲身经历足以促使我跑去健康食品商店购买了镁和B族维生素,以及Omega- 3脂肪酸和补充氨基酸用的牛磺酸,这些已被证实可以缓解身体的颤动和抽搐。我们也开始吃鱼(含汞低的鱼类)并停止喝颜色可疑的果汁饮料。 And my daughter has seen almost immediate results. Although it is definitely a challenge for an eight-year-old to swallow so many pills, she takes them herself without prompting (carefully surrounding each capsule with a spoonful of fruit sorbet) because, she says, “When I take them, I can feel my throat relax.” During a recent trip when it was too difficult to keep up the regimen of supplements, Linnea’s stuttering got worse, and she was only too happy to start taking the pills again. 而在我女儿身上同样看到了立竿见影的效果。虽然让一个8岁的女孩吞下这么多药片是很挑战的事,但她却不需要我督促就吞下了这些药(她小心地把每个药片包在一匙的水果冰糕中吃下)。她解释说:“当我把它们吃下去的时候,我能感觉到我的喉咙放松了”。在最近一外出旅行时,因为很难买到和保证每天服用这些补充剂,琳内娅的口吃病情恶化了,因此她在重新开始服用这些药片时高兴得不得了。 I’d love to be able to say we’ve found a miracle cure, but we haven’t; Linnea still wages the battle against her stuttering and tics each and every day. But when it comes to something as crucial as a child’s ability to make herself heard, even incremental improvements are welcomed with open arms. Like the other concerned parents who have encouraged me with information, suggestions, and support, I’ll keep trying to ease my daughter’s passage through life. Ask any parent of a child in need—we’ll do whatever it takes. 我很想欢心鼓舞地告诉大家我们已经找到了灵丹妙药,但实际上我们还差一点点。琳内娅每天仍然要和她的口吃和抽搐战斗。但是,每当想到她现在已经能够把自己的想法说出来,并且每天都在一点点进步和改善,这些足以让我们张开双臂欢迎并拥抱这一切。 像其他关心我们,给予鼓舞人心的建议与支持我们的家长一样,我会继续努力,为女儿的成长道路扫清障碍。实际上去问问任何一个有特殊需要的孩子的父母,大家都会说:“我们愿意付出任何努力,不惜代价!” But How Do You Get a Kid to Eat This Way? Go ahead, try it: Walk through your local supermarket aisles looking for lunch box options that contain no wheat, dairy, or artificial flavors or colors. I guarantee you’ll panic. How in the world do parents manage? Ask them and you’ll get a surprising response: It’s not as hard as it might seem. Here are some tips from veterans. 如何让孩子开始这样的饮食 来吧,试试看,走进你当地超市的购物通道去寻找那些标签上不含有小麦、牛奶、人工香精或色素的食品。我能猜到这会让你感到焦虑和困扰。但想想看其他家长是怎么做到的?问问他们,你会得到一个令人惊讶的回答:“这并不像看起来那么难呀!”。下面是一些过来人的建议。 Find friendly substitutes. These days, the abundance of new natural food products gives parents more options: Rice milk, for instance, is a fairly painless substitute for cow’s milk; soy cheese can replace cheddar; many wheatless breads are available. It’s easy to find lunch meats and hot dogs free of preservatives and colorings. And new sugar substitutes like xylitol and stevia make it less painful to turn away from conventional sweets. 寻找无害的替代品 如今,大量取自天然食材的新产品可以为家长提供更多的选择:例如米奶就是替代牛奶的好选择;大豆乳酪可以取代切达奶酪;有很多不含小麦的面包可供选择。还可以很容易地找到不含有防腐剂和色素的午餐肉和热狗。 而像新的代糖产品如“木糖醇”和“甜叶菊”更是让放弃传统糖类变得不那么痛苦了。 Introduce them slowly. Don’t try to overhaul your child’s whole diet at once or he’ll rebel. Plus, you’ll never know which foods are the culprits. Instead, eliminate one food at a time. Try going without dairy or wheat for a few weeks and watch for results. 逐渐引入 不要试图想一次性地改变你孩子的全部饮食,他很可能会反抗。并且,你永远不知道哪些食品是罪魁祸首。因此,一次只排除一种食物是比较明智的。持续尝试没有乳制品或小麦的饮食几个星期后,再看的结果而定是否继续排除另一种食物。 Tell everyone what’s off-limits. Parents need to alert the major players in their kids’ lives about dietary no-nos. For many children, even one exposure to a forbidden food—a glass of artificially colored Kool-Aid at soccer practice, say—can trigger a major setback. “You have to make sure that friends, relatives, and teachers understand what you’re doing,” says Cheri Boyd of San Antonio, Texas, whose son Dave has ADHD and has been off sugar for two years. 告诉每个人什么是“禁区” 需要提醒每个参与决定孩子饮食的家长或相关人什么是饮食中的“禁区”。对许多孩子来说,即使只是食用了一次应该被禁止的食物,比如在学校踢球时喝了一杯有色素的碳酸饮料,也会引起一次严重的症状复发。“必须确保所有朋友、亲戚、老师了解你在做什么”,来自德克萨斯州的谢里博伊德这样说,他的儿子大卫患有多动症,已经禁止吃糖类两年。 Time indulgences carefully. If there’s a food your child loves but has trouble with, let him have it once in a while on weekends or late in the day when he can act out. Melanie Dunstan of Avon Lake, Ohio’s son Alex, who has ADHD, is allergic to bananas. So she lets him have them only on Friday afternoons. “The effects wear off, and he’s fine by the time he’s ready to go to school on Monday,” she says. 小心谨慎的“放宽时间” 如果有一种食物是孩子非常喜欢的,但却会引起麻烦,那么就让他在周末或在一天中较晚的时候吃一次,因为在这些时间段即使他会发作也无妨。来自俄亥俄州雅芳湖的梅拉妮给出以上建议,她的儿子亚历克斯患有多动症,原因是对香蕉过敏。因此,她只允许他在每周五下午吃一次。“过敏影响会逐渐减弱,这样等到他周一要去学样时就已经没事了”她说。 For more tips, as well as recipes, check out these resources: 如需更多建议以及食谱,可访问以下资源: • health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ADHD_DrugFree, an email newsgroup for parents. 雅虎上的一个“ADHD非药物治疗”家长邮件小组 • Specialized cookbooks, including The Gluten-Free Gourmet and The Uncheese Cookbook. 一些专门提供无小麦无乳制品的食谱 • Living Without, a magazine for people with allergies and food sensitivities that features new recipes monthly. Contact www.livingwithout.com. 《Living Without》,一本针对有食物过敏问题人群的杂志,每月提供新食谱。网址:www.livingwithout.com. The Game Plan Because behavioral disorders are so idiosyncratic, parents can find themselves in a bewildering maze of potential treatments. Here’s a guide to the basics of building a dietary strategy. 游戏方案 行为障碍病症的特征是如此奇特复杂,家长们可能会觉得在寻找治疗方案时如同置身于迂回的迷宫当中。以下是一个建立基本饮食方案的指南。 • Check for food allergies and sensitivities. You can consult an allergist for testing or, if you suspect a certain dietary culprit (sugar is a common one), try eliminating it from your child’s diet for several days. •检查食物过敏和敏感问题。你可以咨询过敏学医生给孩子做一个测试,或者如果你已经有一个怀疑对象(如糖类就是很常见的一种),尝试在一段时间内从您孩子的饮食中排除这种食物。 • Check into the Feingold diet. This approach zeroes in on additives and other ingredients that don’t necessarily show up on allergy tests. Check out www.Feingold.org, which offers a free email newsletter. Membership in the organization brings other benefits, including guidance on how to follow the diet. •参照法因戈尔德饮食法(Feingold diet)。这种方法是一种零食品添加剂的饮食方案,这类过敏并不一定会在过敏试验中表现出来。访问www.Feingold.org以取得更详细资料,他们还提供免费的电子月刊。该组织中的成员会不断分享他们包括关于如何遵循饮食指导的之类有益信息。 • Consult your fellow parents. There are newsletters, associations, email lists, and support groups for parents of children with every neurological disorder. Ask lots of questions, and find out what’s worked for others. For ADHD, try health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ADHD_DrugFree, an email newsgroup, or www.chadd.org; for Tourette’s, check out www.tourette-syndrome.com or www.tsa-usa.org; for stuttering, go to www.nsastutter.org or www.friendswhostutter.org. Your local hospital or medical center may also offer support groups. •向与你有共同经历的家长寻求帮助。比如一些电子月刊、组织、邮件小组和有各类脑神经病症的儿童家长互助小组。提出你的问题,看其他人是怎么处理的。ADHD相关问题可以访问雅虎邮件组:health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ADHD_DrugFree, 或 www.chadd.org; 抽动综合症请访问:www.tourette-syndrome.com or www.tsa-usa.org; 口吃问题: www.nsastutter.org or www.friendswhostutter.org. 在您本地的医疗机构也有可能会找到类似的小组。 • Find an alternative practitioner well-versed in nutritional therapies. He or she will likely start by testing your child for nutritional deficiencies, then draw up and supervise a plan for addressing them, usually with a mix of dietary changes and supplements. One good way to find such a person is via an online support group for parents of kids with your child’s disability. •寻找熟悉营养疗法的替代医疗从业者。他或她可能会先测试你孩子有哪种营养不足,然后制订适合孩子的饮食计划并监督实施,通常是一系列的饮食结构调整和补充。找到这样的专业人士的好方法是经由网络上有同样病症的家长互助小组。 Secrets to Success With Supplements Any parent who’s tried to get a kid to swallow a full-size tablet knows it just can’t be done. Nor is it a great idea, as I found out, to cut open fish oil capsules and mix the contents with Jell-0. But there are some supplement brands that experts and parents recommend for kids with ADHD, Tourette’s, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other behavioral problems. They’re available at health food stores and online. 补充剂的成功秘诀 试图让一个小孩子吞下一整粒大药片几乎是不可能完成的任务。因此我发现,把鱼油胶囊剪开挤出来和果冻混在一起是个不错的主意。但也有一些专们为孩子设计的补充剂,在治疗多动症、抽动口吃综合症、强迫症和其他行为问题有很好的效果。这些可以在保健品商店或在线购买到。 • Coromega: an omega-3 supplement that comes in pouches of orange-flavored pudding. •Coromega:一种混在布丁中的Omega3补充剂。 • Attend: contains essential fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, and amino acids, among other ingredients. •Attend:含有必要脂肪酸、锌、镁、氨基酸及其他成分。 • Yummy Greens: an herbal supplement combining organic wheat and barley grass, alfalfa, chlorella, spirulina, and kelp. (Avoid this if your child is allergic to wheat or gluten.) • 好味绿素(Yummy Greens):一种草药与有机小麦和大麦草、紫花苜蓿、小球藻、螺旋藻和海带的混合补充剂。 (如果孩子对小麦或麦麸过敏请避免食用些药。) • ts-PLUS CONTROL: formulated to control tics and compulsions with magnesium, B vitamins, grape seed extract, and other ingredients. • ts-PLUS CONTROL: 控制痉挛的补充剂,包括强化镁、维生素B、葡萄籽精华素及其他配方。 • ts-PLUS Mag-Taurate: contains powdered magnesium taurate. • ts-PLUS Mag-Taurate: 治疗口吃综合症,含有粉状镁和金酸盐。 • BrainLink: an amino acid supplement complex featuring GABA, glycine, and glutamine. • BrainLink: 构建脑部的氨基酸补充剂,含有伽马氨基丁酸(GABA)、氨基乙酸、谷按酸盐。 © 1999-2010 Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living/Alternative Medicine/InnoVision Health Media 版权所有© 1999-2010 天然食品解决方案:充满生机健康,平衡生活方式/替代医学/同景健康传媒 |
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